The Plain Dealer Endorsement
It surprising that the Plain Dealer endorsed Bill Cervenik for another term
What is disappointing are the numerous errors in their reporting and, their blatant disregard for the two challengers, Mr. Johnson and Ms. Mancuso.
First on the PD's error list is that Mr. Cervenik asked Police Chief Jim Repicky to step down. As of today, Mr. Repicky is still on the job, earning his salary as Chief of Police.
Second, Mr. Cervenik did not settle the Department of Justice voting rights case against Euclid.
In fact the City went to court and lost, and, the City Council settled the case. And, what the Plain Dealer forgot was that Mr. Cervenik supported fighting the Justice Department, stating in Scene Magazine that the DOJ "should be ashamed of themselves." for their prosecution of Euclid.
Third, Ms. Mancuso did not lead the attempted recall of Bill Cervenik in 2005. In fact that was
Mr. John Conway. By the way, in the fall election of 2005, after the recall election, Mr. Conway was elected to City Council with 57% of the vote.
But what should insult every thinking Euclid voter is the dismissive way the Plain Dealer treats
Mr. Johnson and Ms. Mancuso.
Mr. Johnson, for example, served the City admirably for many decades as Administrative and
Finance Director. The Plain Dealer calls Mr. Johnson's ideas "small bore." You can almost hear the editorial writers snickering over how clever they were. Insulting is more like it.
Ms. Mancuso's long service at Metro Health probably has done more to save lives of ALL residents in Northeast Ohio, especially for the poor and less fortunate than few others. To insinuate that somehow her housing plan is discriminatory shows that the Plain Dealer's claim of "Editorial Excellence" should more appropriately called "Editorial Laziness.
The Plain Dealer says that Mr. Cervenik is not a showy, big-vision leader. I agree.
If he were, he would understand the very real challenges faced by the City:
Falling population (under 50 thousand)
Growing poverty (16% as of 2009 and climbing)
Empty commercial and retail space
Neighborhoods littered with empty homes
Declining Recreation programs
Decline in City Services
If he were a big vision leader, he would have realized decades ago the value of a lakefront marina, and Shore Cultural Centre for example instead of fighting tooth and nail against both.
The Plain Dealer fails to understand, that solid redevelopment plans will combat Euclid's clear decline.
Instead they talk about his sensible leadership, leadership that has brought to you:
City spending increases at roughly a million dollars each year during his 8 years in office, from roughly 32 million in 2002 to over a projected 40 million this year.
Borrowing 3 million dollars to balance the budget in 2004, and, imposing trash and lighting fees in 2009.
Mr. Cervenik did settle the court case with the Providence Baptist Church, informing City Council by e-mail. (BTW the Plain Dealer could not even name the church, just referring to it as "a black church),
As you might recall, the citizens of Euclid decided to put this rezoning on the ballot, and they rejected the plans of the church. That was in 2004. As of today, Providence Baptist Church
has built nothing at Hillandale. History proves that Euclid residents were right in questioning church plans.
In his role as Safety Director, he is responsible for the chaos that has engulfed the Euclid Police Department, as indicated by lawsuits, the FOP no confidence vote and the Sheriff' Department investigation.
But finally, it is curious that the in making their decision, the Plain Dealer ignored their own reporting on county corruption, and the connection to Bill Cervenik.
4/27/2008: The Plain Dealer ran an article on how politicians and their relatives filled dozens of
well paying jobs at the County Recorders office. Then county Recorder Pat O"Malley handled
the hiring for this agency, jobs were seldom posted and, O'Malley made the final decisions. The Plain Dealer profiled literally dozens of individuals that owed their jobs to political connections.
One of those jobs went to Tony Sustarsic, former Euclid Councilman at Large, son of former Council President Jerry Sustarsic. And, his reference was Mayor Bill Cervenik.
11/30/2008 The Plain Dealer investigation reveals how a well connected company,
1-888-Ohio Comp scooped up most of the Workers Compensation medical claims business in Cuyahoga County. This company's connections reached directly into (former) County Auditor
Farnk Russo's office. Mr. Russo and (former) County Commissioner Jimmy Dimora pressured
mayors to make the switch to 1-888-Ohio Comp. Mr. Russo's son Vince worked for the firm.
The owners of the firm were shown to have made substantial contributions to mayors and candidates for mayor throughout the county.
In Bill Cervenik's first campaign for Mayor in 2003, Tom Coyne, former Brook Park Mayor and
(then) consultant for Ohio Comp and the one of the principals owner of the firm, Sam Lucarelli, contributed $6000.00 to his tight campaign against Ed Gudenas. The following May, Cervenik switched the City to 1-888-Ohio Comp.
(For the full article, see the link below)
Mr. Cervenik seemed to be a willing part of the easy, sleazy way the county was formerly run.
The Plain Dealer chose to ignore all this, and chose to ignore the fact the Euclid voters have
clear and competent choices for Mayor, rather than 4 more years of the same old stuff.