Euclid Waste Water Treatment Plant/System
Euclid's Lakeshore Treatment plant is a regional plant, treating flows from Euclid, Willoughby Hills, Willowick, Wickliffe and parts of Richmond Hts and South Euclid.
Euclid's system, like most others throughout the US treats sanitary, and storm water. To keep the treatment plant from flooding in heavy rains, there are relief points called overflows.. In heavy rains, storm and sanitary waters mix and can be discharged directly into Lake Erie. Euclid can minimally treat most storm water, but not to the level mandated by the Federal Clean Water Act.
Since 2005, the City and EPA have engaged in a dialogue on how to bring our Treatment System into compliance.
In 2011, the City of Euclid entered into a Consent Decree in Federal Court to implement improvements to our treatment system.
Why are Rates proposed to increase?
1) To pay for the everyday operations at the plant.
2) To pay for the proposed capital improvements to the plant itself.
Euclid raises money for the system based on water consumed. According to the Administration, water consumption has fallen even though the number of accounts in the service area has stayed about the same. Less water used means less revenue. There are also approximately 4 million dollars in delinquent accounts throughout the system.
What the New Rates will look like.
Your sewer bill is calculated based on consumption (how many MCF's that you use, 1 MCF=7,500 gallons of water). Euclid residents pay $46.17 per MCF. The incremental breakdown of this charge is as follows
Euclid Residents Currently Pay: Rates residents will pay if approved.
Current Total Rates, 2012 = $46.17/MCF
Proposed Total 2012 Rates = $58.17/MCF
(effective April, 2012)
Here is the Breakdown:
Plant Operations: Included in this are salaries, benefits, utility costs, supplies and minor capital items:
2012 Current = $19.60 Proposed 2012 = $24.60
Plant Capital Investment: Major improvements to the Plant itself
2012 Current = $ 4.08 Proposed 2012 = $8.08
Peterson Charge: For new sewer construction
2012 Current = $ 11.88 Proposed 2012 = $13.88
Cleveland meter reading charge:
2012 Current = $1.61 Proposed 2012 = $1.61
Waterline Fund: Used to help replace and repair water lines throughout the city in conjunction with Cleveland Water Department, and, to restore roadways and landscaping affected by such work.
2012 Current = $9.00 Proposed 2012 = $10.00
Currently the proposed legislation to raise rates is on the agenda for City Council review. The proposed final vote is scheduled for Monday, March 6th.