Sunday, February 2, 2014

February, 2014 - The Month of Decision

February 2014, News and Notes

Below are some items that you may not be aware of, but, will have large impacts on the City in the coming days ahead:

County Jail Takeover Delay:  The deal with Cuyahoga County to take over the operation of the Euclid Municipal Jail have been delayed.  While potentially only a legal glitch, never the less, the hoped for County takeover date of April 1 will surely be missed.   Both the Euclid City Council, and, the Cuyahoga County Council must vote on this agreement.  For Euclid, the agreement would take an obsolete building that is expensive to run, costly to fix up and turn it over to the County.   The benefits for the County, and, the County taxpayer will be for the County Council to decide.

Any delay for Euclid will mean more spending on jail operations than planned, meaning a potentially even tighter squeeze on the 2014 budget.

Lake Front Development:  JJR, the City's consultant on the Euclid Lakefront Development Project will be in town this week to discuss progress on the next phase.  As you might recall, in October of 2013, the City dedicated the opening of the new, extended pier.  The Administration views the next phase of the project to be the restoration of the Central Beaches and, the construction of the Boardwalk.  This area is roughly between Sims Park and 238th.  Some believe that the next phase must include tangible planing for the lakefront marina.  As discussed in previous blogs, only the marina portion of the project leverages the tens of millions of dollars in private investment in new, upscale housing that the City needs.   And, there folks is where the decision will be: do we look at lakefront development as simply a recreational investment, or, as an investment in economic development?  As I have always said, in Euclid, lakefront development IS marina development.

Water Water Treatment System: As I wrote back on Feb. 17, 2012, there are many strategies that can help reduce the cost of the federally mandated improvements to our waster water treatment system.  The current improvements agreed to by Euclid amount to between 130 and 150 million dollars.  That's not small change, especially in Euclid, which is seeing declining population and, growing poverty.  As I wrote almost two years ago, Green Infrastructure initiatives might be a way to reduce the costs of the necessary improvements.  Unfortunately, I must report that as of today, the Administration is showing virtually no movement to explore, or, to embrace methods that are being used all over the nations to reduce storm water infiltration and, inflows.  By rejecting this approach, the rate payers in the Euclid Waster Water Treatment System could very well, be spending millions and millions of dollars that could be saved.   I will be working to find out if those savings are out there.

New Trash  and Recycling Program:  This week will see the roll out of the new trash and recycling program.  Delivery of the new trash and recycling carts begins Monday, Feb 3rd.   While the roll out has been well covered through mailings and such, what is still under development are "exceptions" to the program.  Given the large size of the carts, I've received many calls from elderly folks concerned about wrestling with the larger carts.  That's of great concern especially during the winter.    The Administration promises to address those matters as the program comes on line.  The Council will make sure that happens.  Finally, for those that take newspapers to the Abitibi locations in support of your favorite charity, you can still do this.

That's probably enough for now.  More to come shortly on other pressing matters facing the City.  And, as always, let me know what you thing,


Euclid Kiwanis 5th Annual Sweetheart Bowl-A-Thon.  February 8th, Wickliffe Lanes, 30315 Euclid Ave, 