Sunday, March 3, 2013

Euclid City Council - March 4th Agenda

Here are some comments on the March 4th, City Council Agenda.

Office of Neighborhood Engagement

Council wants to create and manage a pilot program called The Office of Neighborhood Engagement.  The principal goal of the new position is clear and simple:  to offer proactive support to existing and new neighborhood and business associations.

The Need:  From experience,  it is often true that folks turn to their Councilperson as a last resort to resolve issues.  Many times, these neighborhood concerns have existed for quite a while.  The resident may have contacted the City about this or that issue with little, or an unsatisfactory response.  So when they approach the Council, many times they are very frustrated and upset.   All members of Council gladly weigh in to help resolve issues every day.  The frustration is that this is a reactive way to address problems, and, concerns, especially since many of the same issues occur throughout the City:  neighbor issues, overnight parking, loud music, housing issues toname a few.

The SolutionBe proactive!  Starting with our current neighborhood groups, provide information on City Services, issues, and solutions, and, thus, better meet the needs of all of our residents.   Currently, the City has no one position that is charged with working directly, and, reaching directly into our neighborhoods and small business districts.  The Office of Neighborhood Engagement would do just that: reaching out to residents, neighborhood groups and smaller retail areas.  Just as important, this position would reach out across Administration Departments, to offer up solutions for neighborhood concerns.

Can it work?  I believe so.  Other communities such as Cleveland Hts. have a similar program.  There, they have community outreach programs based in each neighborhood.  They work hand in hand with their council members.  As I have said over the course of the many years, you, the resident are our "eyes and ears."  The more feedback we get from you, the better job your government will do.  This new position can get the Council more, and, better information from which we can make better decisions.

Euclid's current program:  Yes, there is a Community Policing Program based within the Euclid Police Department. As reported in the 2011 Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP), the current specialist is involved primarily with police based issues, such as juvenile diversion, Police Athletic League, domestic violence diversion programs, etc.  While the formation of new neighborhood groups is part of the current position, once formed the Specialist has no real contact with the groups, unless there are specific issues.  This limits the ability of the current position to consistently reach out into our neighborhoods   And, as the report recommended, perhaps the solution for the Police Department is training multiple officers, if not the whole Department, on community policing methods.

What is Council's Roll?  We will supervise the position during the pilot phase.  This is to make sure that the pilot process goes as we envision it.  Yes, that means that the Administration is not entirely on board with the concept.   As for the effect on Council, this should have no effect on what I have done for all these years:  answer your questions, and, address your concerns.  In fact, the new position can offer support on Council based initiatives, such as community gardens, enhanced recycling, and, enhanced block watch efforts,vacant property issues, and, more.

Conclusion:  The proposed Office of Neighborhood Engagement will offer information, and support Council on issues that are grounded in the everyday community issues.   The Office of Neighborhood engagement should make the whole council better, and, that is to your benefit.

Council will discuss this new position in committee before approval.


  Dog Park Tales - the Final Chapter?
After 20 years time, Euclid is finally on the door step of building a Dog Park.  As you might recall from an earlier post (Dog Park Tales - 5/15/2011), attempting to build a dog park somewhere in Euclid has been a 20 year journey.  The latest, and, hopefully, last chapter will see construction begin on the Dog Park later this spring.  The location is on St. Clair, just west of the RTA Park-N-Ride lot.
From 4 years ago, the Dog Park Committee looked at this site as a potential location, but, since the RTA owns the property, and, there are drainage issues there, it was not the first choice of the committee.  However, thanks to Councilman Van Ho and, the Administration, the RTA and the City were able to hammer out an agreement for the lease of this property.  The City has pledged to spend up to 20K for construction of the park, including drainage, and, fencing.  The term of the lease is for 5 years, with an annual rent of $3,125.00 per year. 
While long overdue, I am happy to see this park come to the City.  And, I know somewhere, former Councilpersons Gudenas, Miller, McTighe and Gruber are pleased, too!
Let me know what you think, and, please complete the poll on the potential for a downtown McDonalds.


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